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Saturday, February 5, 2011

6th Year - Vocabulary - Comprehension 2006


Question 1

le lauréat = prize winner

partager = to share

le bonheur = happiness

écrivain = writer

meilleur = better; best

s’habiller = to dress oneself

prévenir = to warn, give advance notice

s’enquérir = to make enquiries

perturbé = upset

la tenue = clothes (slang)

éviter = to avoid

faute = fault, mistake

le goût = taste

devenir (devenu) = to become (became)

célèbre = famous

connaissance = acquaintance

éloigné = far away, distant

impressionner = to impress

lorsque = when

émeute = riot

le photographe = photographer

mitrailler = to shoot with a machine gun/ riddle

passant = passer by

renverser = to knock over

Question 2

la marche = step

le palais de justice = “the law courts”

brouillé = “clouded”; confused

plaidoirie = pleading of a case in court

banal = banal, ordinary

lamentable = pitiful, appalling

le tribunal = court

audience = hearing

adresser un regard à = to look at

humilié = humiliated

éviter = to avoid

la piège = trap

le dossier = file, “case”

croire (cru) = to believe (believed)

se lever = to get up; stand up

ratrapper = to catch

offrir = to offer; to buy (eg. a cup of tea) for so.

la tasse = cup

malgré = in spite of

entraîner = to drag

fréquenter = to visit

avocat = lawyer

se ridiculiser = to make a fool of oneself

exprimer = to express

reconnaissant = grateful

ajouter = to add

prévenir (prévenu) = to warn (warned)

plaider = to plead a case

rater = to miss

quant à lui = as for him

épouvanté = horrified

un haussement d’épaules = a shrug of the shoulders

s’apaiser = to quieten down

craindre = to fear

supporter = to endure, bear

juger = to judge

démontrer = to demonstrate

amer = bitter

gentillesse = kindness

preuve = proof

d’ici peu = in a short time

complaisance = kindness

s’en sortir de = to make ones way out of (a difficulty)

mordu = bitten

mordre = to bite

séduisant = attractive, good looking

frangé de = fringed by

le cil = eyelash

adoucir = to soften

viril = manly

facilité = ability

briller = to shine

de surcroît = in addition

le sourire = smile

le gamin = kid

malicieux = mischievous

inutile = useless

mignon = cute

amoureux = in love

partager un opinion = to share an opinion

le mot juste = the right word

or = however

l’or = gold

songer = dream

l’avenir = future

jamais = ever

ne…jamais = never

faire des ménages = to do housework

gagner sa vie = to earn a living

redoutable = fearsome

issue d’un milieu modeste = of humble origins

filleule = god daughter

la cuisinière = the cook

s’émerveiller de = to wonder at, be amazed by

aigreur = sourness, sharpness

convaincre = to convince

ça regarde toi = it concerns you

majeur = grown up, adult

l’âme = soul

lutter contre = to fight against

reprendre = to continue (talking)

mettre à feu = to out to the torch, set fire to

mettre à sang = to put to the sword, kill

posément = seriously

être sûr de soi = to be sure of oneself

un coup de coeur = falling in love

de courte durée = of short duration

parole = word

crois-moi sur parole = believe my words

(Thanks to Mr H.Simm)

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