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Thursday, January 13, 2011

6th Year - Vocabulary - Comprehension 2004


Question 1

le dessous = the underside/ secret side/ shady side

une hausse de prix = a price increase

le rêve = dream

la volonté = wish

le sorcier = wizard, witch

un coup de baguette magique = a wave of a wand

un abstinent = abstainer

doté de = granted, endowed with

le pouvoir = power

le fumeur = smoker

raisonnable = reasonable

tuer = to kill

un accro = addict

le tabagisme passif = passive smoking

un adepte = follower (here: smoker)

prévu(e) = forecast, planned

la marque = brand

le pneumologue = lung specialist

applaudir = to applaud

augmentation = increase

selon = according to

le partisan = follower, supporter

la croisade = crusade

le tabagisme = smoking

perçu comme continu(e) = perceived to be continuous

efficace = effective

la baisse = drop, lowering

l’espèce = species

en voie de disparition = disappearing

le secours = help

amateur de… = lover of…

la confrérie = confraternity, club

le méfait = crime, misdeed

souvenons-nous de = let’s remember

le combattant = fighter

le réconfort = comfort

juré = sworn

déranger = to disturb, upset

la fumée = smoke

ancien = former

à la retraite = in retirement

prêcher = to preach

il prêche dans le désert = “he’s talking to the wall”

une augmentation = increase

les derniers acharnés = the most stubborn

le tabac à rouler = roll-your-own tobacco

malédiction! = curses!

subir = to undergo, endure

pourchassé = pursued, hunted

les poches trouées = the pockets emptied (by taxation)

baisser les bras = to lower ones arms, ie. to give up

ils en grillent une dernière = they light up a last (cigarette)

inconcevable = inconceivable, unbelievable

à en croire certains chiffres = if certain figures are to be believed

ils sont légion = they are legion ie. there are thousands of them

la vente = the sale

augmenter de = to increase by

un appel = appeal; call

le TabacInfoService = call line to help people who are trying to give up smoking

accueillir = to welcome, ie. to answer their phone calls

le candidat au sevrage = “a person trying to give up smoking”

patienter = to be patient

être reçu = to be accepted (into the non-smoking scheme)

auparavant = before, beforehand

Question 2

le vestibule = hall

un mot = word; message

à quatre pattes = on all fours

tapi(e) = crouched

se tapir = to crouch

s’enfuir = to flee

gambader = to leap, jump

s’étendre = to stretch out

le noir = the dark

tirer les rideaux = to pull the curtains

s’enfouir = to bury oneself

la couverture = blanket

appuyer = to press

le front = forhead

défaillant de = weak/ faltering with

s’emparer = to seize

retenir = to hold back

les larmes = tears

énervé = annoyed, anxious, edgy

avoir de la fièvre = to have a temperature

sonner = to ring

manquer = to miss

prévenir = to warn, inform

s’accouder = to lean on one’s elbows

doux = soft

le passant = passer-by

l’ombre = shadow, shade

s’épaissir = to thicken

la touffe = tuft, clump

reconnaître Daniel à sa… = to recognise Daniel by…

la démarche = gait, way of walking

la lueur = glow

la réverbère = street light

le tambour = drum

la grille = gate

la veille = the day before

mentir = to lie

une mensonge = a lie

guetter = to lie in wait for

il est couché = he is in bed/lying down

la voix = voice

à quoi bon…? = what’s the use in…?

effrayer = to frighten

s’installer dans = to settle down in (chair etc.)

le fauteuil = armchair

entrouvrir = to half open

le couloir = corridor

afin de… = in order to…

se dresser = to get up, raise onself up, stand up

gronder = to growl; scold

s’élancer = to to rush forward

barbu = bearded

se nommer = to give ones name

disparu = disappeared

inquiet = worried

se crisper = to tense, clench

la mantille = mantilla (scarf)

voiler = to cover (with a scarf, veil)

baisser = to lower

relever = to lift up again

presque = almost

aussitôt = immediately

d’autant plus que… = all the more so since…

ajouter = to add

(Thanks to Mr Simm)

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